Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Republicans get out of my bedroom! Democrats get out of my wallet!"

This was a great quote I heard today while listening to the Jim Vicevich radio show on Jim is a Libertarian leaning Republican who has a radio show from 10 to 12 AM Eastern time on WTIC 1080 in Hartford, and Jim has a great show. His views and core values regarding government are the closest to my own that I have found in all media (print, TV, radio, etc.). I recommend the show. I've put a link to his show further down on the right side of this blog. Jim also has a blog here on blogger at I have not had much time to explore his blog, but I hope to in the future.

I thought this quote from Jim summed it up nicely.

Just a quick post today because I think the quote speaks for itself.

Let's hear your thoughts, supporting or opposing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is actually a really good quote.

Both parties are infringing on our liberty. Republicans take away social liberty and Democrats take away economic liberty.

That's why I'm voting libertarian.