Title: Guilty -- Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America
Author: Ann Coulter
Price: $27.95 cover price. Available for less on-line.
Ann Coulter has written 5 best sellers. Guilty is her latest best seller. This was my first Ann Coulter book, and it will certainly not be my last. In fact, I'm upset I waited until best seller #6 to finally read one of Ann Coulter's books. I now have a lot of catching up to do on books 1 through 5.
Ann comes out swinging against liberals. Finally someone has the balls (ironic, huh?) to leave political correctness behind. Ann spews the truth about liberals as she cites numerous examples of liberal hypocrisy, idiocy, and bias. Liberals love victims. They use victims for votes. They thrive on creating more and more victims to stay in power. Selfish liberal power-grabbers even portray themselves as victims with the assistance of a willing main-stream media. Ann gives all the evidence any rational person would need to understand media bias and the absurdity of liberal logic.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. However, I'm a conservative-minded person. I believe liberalism is the single most toxic ideology in the United States today. Liberal venom is the #1 threat to liberty in the United States of America. Therefore, I'm not the most accurate barometer of Ann's book. Beyond the significant entertainment value, I fear that there may not be a point to the book. Ann devotes many pages to showing examples of liberal main-stream media bias. Although I enjoyed reading the examples, I'm not sure who Ann is trying to convince with her arguments because I believe even most liberals would acknowledge a media bias in a rare honest moment. Ann was not telling a conservative person anything they did not already know, and I fear her aggressive style would turn off most limp-wristed, panty wasted liberals to the point that they would not even be able to get through the book. So, if you go with the assumption that liberals would be turned off, and conservatives are already convinced, I guess the arguments of this book could be effective towards moderates. Fortunately, a moderate is something I am not, nor could I even pretend to be. I enjoyed the analysis, aggressive style, and examples in the book, so I can only hope that Ann was able to bring some moderates onto "our side". I have no hope of even the most skilled author being able to convert a true liberal. Logical thinking means less to a liberal than the US Constitution.
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