- Sunday hunting
- Sunday alcohol sales
- Sale of alcohol past 9 PM
----------Just recently bumped up from 8 PM
- Incandescent light bulbs in state buildings
----------A mandate to require mercury filled, China manufactured, compact fluorescent bulbs
- Smoking in any public place, including bars
----------The states two mega-sized, mega-profit, mega-tax contributing Indian casinos are exempt
- Talking on a cell phone while driving
- Gambling
----------Allowed in the aforementioned Indian casinos
----------Apparently the state run lottery is not considered gambling
----------Legislature was duped into allowing "sparklers" a few years ago
- Hunting with a rifle on public land- Driving without a seat belt
- "Non-healthy" snacks in public school snack machines---------- No soda, candy, etc.
- Jarts
- Common sense----------Not really, but some times it seems like it
On the Docket:
- Transfat in restaurants
- Billboards along the highways
----------Even though the state of CT is a top purchaser of billboard advertising space
Bans Recently (within approximately 10 years) Lifted:
- Auto dealerships open on Sundays
- Radar detectors
Curiously Not Banned:
- Riding a motorcycle without a helmet
----------Seat belts, yes! Helmets, no!
-An open container of alcohol in a car
-Civil unions
Things that Should be Banned, but Are Not:
- Speedo's on the beach if you're male- Wearing a blue tooth headset in public
Connecticut: Super-nanny of the nanny states.
Note: For some reason the formatting on this post is terrible. I tried, but the software would not let me fix it. I had to use these ridiculous dashes instead of bullets, and the spacing is all screwed up.
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