I am always on a quest to understand the liberal mind. How could other wise intelligent people view the world in such a wrong manner? It baffles me.
In an effort to better understand and explain the liberal mind, I came up with the analogy below.
Imagine this...
If We Ran Our Household in The Same Way Liberals Want The Country To Be Run -- A Scenario To Consider:
A parent has twelve year old twin sons. The sons both want to buy a new bike. The bikes they want cost $300 each. The boys fear that they will not be able to save up the money to buy the bikes before the summer is over, so the parent agrees that if the kids can save up half the cost of the bike, they will match them dollar-for-dollar for the rest.
Son #1 is diligent in saving his allowance. He gets a paper route. He mows lawns around the neighborhood. He rakes leaves and does various other jobs. At the end of the summer he saves up the $150 needed to pay for half the cost of the $300 bike.
Son #2 is not as diligent. He spends his allowance on candy. He gets a paper route, but is often late and does not do as good of a job, so his tips are low. He does not bother to look for jobs around the neighborhood. At the end of the summer he is well short of his savings goal. He has saved $100.
The two boys go to their parent. Son #1 says, "Mom, I've lived up to my part of the deal. I have my $150. I'm ready to buy my bike." Son #2 says, "Mom, I think I deserve the bike. Even though I did not save up the required amount of money, I really need and want that bike."
What are the parents to do?
Most parents would buy the bike as agreed for son #1. They would then use the opportunity to teach son #2 a lesson about work ethic, sacrifice, saving, discipline, setting and obtaining goals, etc. They would tell son #2 that he has to go back and work for the the final $50 then he too would get the bike. That's generally what a good, logical-thinking, loving parent would do.
But what would the liberal parent do?
The liberal parent would think, "It's not fair to son #2 that son #1 is such an achiever". Applying to parenting the same liberal policies that liberals want to apply to our government, the parent would then take $25 from son #1, give it to son #2 so they would both have $125. They would then buy each of them a $250 dollar bike.
Moral of The Story:
You can see from this example how the liberal policy brought down the entire standard. Both boys were forced to accept an inferior $250 dollar bike, rather than applying a little extra work and discipline to son #2 to allow both of them to get the $300 bike.
If, as a parent, you truly believe that the latter way (the liberal way) of handling this scenario is superior to the first method, I have nothing more for you. I can not ever hope to understand you. If that is your belief, I can no longer consider your liberalism to be just a difference of political outlook, but more of a mental illness. However, I suspect that most parents, even politically liberal parents, would have handled this scenario closer to as I first described. They would agree that my first solution makes more sense. If that's true, why then does this not carry over to politics? Why do liberals believe in burdening achievers with the dead weight of non-achievers? Is this a collision of logic versus emotion?
Liberals: Please weigh in!