Saturday, October 4, 2008

Why I Can't Cancel My Newsweek Subscription

I've been a subscriber to Newsweek magazine for years now. The magazine has always had a left-ward slant, but in recent years it has become nearly unbearable. The magazine is filled with liberal opinion pieces, and liberal-biased journalism disguised as non-biased reporting. While reading the most recent issue, I became disgusted vowed to cancel my subscription. This vow has passed my lips several times before in the past. However, this time, like all the previous times, I was drawn back. I read George Will's column on the very last page of the magazine. George Will's column, once again, prevented me from canceling my subscription.

The subject of this weeks column was the erosion of election day due to the rise of pre-election day voting. You can read the column at the following link:

I was appalled at the mess our election process has become.

But beyond the actual issue discussed in the article, I was taken aback once again by the skill of George Will. His use of language and ability to lay out an argument is unparalleled. No other person has had the ability to change my mind on a subject as often as Will.
George Will is known as a conservative columnist, but more often than not his articles are non-partisan. The article this week has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. He also throws in a column about sports and other various subjects on occasion.
The columns written by George Will are so good that they keep me subscribing to the liberal propaganda publication by the name of Newsweek magazine. I recommend taking the time to read his columns regardless of your political leanings.

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