Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Massachusetts Delivered Us in 1775 and Massachusetts May Have Delivered Us in 2010

Hope is not lost!

I'm speaking of Scott Brown's Senate race win in Massachusetts. 

This past year plus has been a depressing time for lovers-of-liberty.  How refreshing to learn that even in uber-progressive Massachusetts, there's still that undercurrent of liberty that was not able to be held down.

Some thoughts about the events in Massachusetts:
  • Is this win actually a positive in the long run for the Democrats?  It seemed like there were a lot of sighs of relief from many Democrats (especially those known as the "Blue Dogs").  This Republican victory means the Democrats now have an excuse not to have to vote for a health care reform bill the American people don't want.  If the Democrats retain this Senate seat in Massachusetts, the Democrats would be saddled with approving this fiasco of a bill, and would pay even more dearly in 2010 and 2012.
  • Scott Brown is not exactly a conservative Republican.  It remains to be seen if he can stay true to his campaign promises and avoid a progressive agenda.
  • Does this loss cause any soul searching among Democrats, or will they still continue to be a party courting fringe groups of society (unions, minorities, wealthy urbanites) while ignoring "middle America"?
  • In an ironic twist, was the Barack Obama win in 2008 exactly what this country needed to wake up and appreciate liberty?  Barack Obama may have been the best thing that could have happened for the liberty-movement.  Think of how events would have progressed had John McCain won.  Things would be mostly business as-usual.  There would be no Tea Party movement.  No awakening throughout the country.  Progressive statists likely would have won in Massachusetts and New Jersey.  Perhaps Obama was the shock the country needed to finally be able to identify the anti-American statist progressive agenda.
Yes we can!

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