Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Anthem Blue Cross Owes You NOTHING President Obama


By Erica Werner, Associated Press
Updated: 02/08/2010 10:45:44 AM PST

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Monday asked California's largest for-profit health insurer to justify plans to hike customers' premiums by as much as 39 percent, a move that could affect some 800,000 customers.


Question: Who is the President to tell a business in the private sector how much to charge for their services? What’s next? Is Obama going to go to Costco and tell them they are charging too much for paper towels? How about going to Yankee Stadium and telling them that the $8.75 beers are over priced? Where does it end?

This kind of stuff from the White House is the stuff of dictators.

This is Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the CEO of Anthem Blue Cross were able to call a press conference and tell President Obama straight up that Anthem Blue Cross does not have to justify ANYTHING to him? The CEO and his staff can run their company how they want to run it. They are accountable only to customers and shareholders, not to a despotic wannabe. Despite the best efforts of President Obama, the United States is still a land of laws – Laws that do not allow the president to bark orders. The last I checked this was still a representative republic, and not a monarchy, dictatorship, or empire.

President Obama – Keep your nose OUT of the private sector and worry about governing, not ruling.  Who am I to tell the president what to do?  I'm a citizen and voter, and that's enough.

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