Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A New Blog: Radioviceonline.com

Perhaps you've noticed that I don't have a lot of links to other blogs or websites on Liberty Alert. That's on purpose. My thinking is that generally if a reader knows what they are looking for, they can just as easily find it as I can. Therefore, I try to be selective and only include a few links to some unique, high quality sites I've stumbled upon.
Towards the bottom right of Liberty Alert there is a short list of Favorite Links. Until today, there were only 2 links on that list. One of those links was for the Jim Vicevich radio show. I'm a big fan of Jim's radio show, and I've plugged him on Liberty Alert in the past. Jim has just created a new blog (actually, he's moved to a new host/format). The blog can be found at:


Jim describes himself as a Republitarian. I believe he has a unique and entertaining radio show.

I've added Jim's blog to my short list of favorite links. Check out Jim's blog and radio show.

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