A quick list of private business sectors screwed up or soon to be screwed up by a meddling US government:
- Mortgages (That's obvious in light of the current Freddie/Fannie situation)
- Real estate (As a result of their meddling in the mortgage business, home prices were artificially driven up by the availability of "cheap" money, thereby actually making it harder, not easier, to get people in homes. Ironic that a programs meant to make home ownership easier, actually pushed it farther out of reach. Liberal policies continue to be disasters as a result of unintended consequences.)
- Finance/banking (The recent bail outs speak to this. Why are American tax payers subsidizing risk for private industry?)
- Energy (The government is subsidizing the oil industry with our military actions intended to protect oil access. However, we ain't seen nothin' yet! Barak Obama wants to meddle in oil company profits. If the trend of government intervention in the oil industry continues, wait and see what happens to the US oil industry.)
- Auto (For example, meddling government fuel economy standards making US companies non-competitive in North America.)
- Rail (Remember Amtrack?)
- Airlines (Just wait for more bail outs when these start failing.)
- Pharmaceuticals (Bush's prescription drug bill ensnared government into this business.)
- Medical industry (Is there any doubt government health care will be an economic and logistical nightmare?)
- Insurance (US government is now the biggest private insurer in the world thanks to AIG bail out. How do you feel about being part owner of an insurance company?)
- Farming (Subsidies have made it impossible for farmers to charge what they need to charge for their goods.)
- Education (This is a tough one because colleges and universities are run by liberals, so liberal policy-makers are hesitant to meddle in this cash cow. However, don't underestimate the desire of the 2008 Democratic ticket to extend the reach of government into every sector. Even liberal colleges are no longer safe.)
How many more fiascos will it take for the American people to realize we need government out of the private sector? Although this government meddling is the result of liberal policy, it can't all be laid at the feet of Democrats. Republicans (aka Bush) have also abandoned conservative ideals and grown the scope of government tremendously these past years. Remember, these bail outs happening now are being lead by a Republican administration. Funny that Democrats so hate Bush. Many of his policies have been more liberal in execution than his predecessor (Clinton).
Some regulations are needed to ensure a fair playing field, but the US government has clearly stepped over the line.
Are there any other industries that I've forgotten from my list?
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